Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I suffered with terrible digestive problems for years. I went to a lot of doctors, undertook very expensive tests and procedures only to be told that there was nothing wrong with me. Then of course there would be a discussion of what kind of stress I was under (i.e. it must by all in my mind) because their tests didn't reveal anything. Well it wasn't in my mind, rather it was in my food. I never eat anything on the avoid list because if I do I will almost certainly have a bad reaction which can last anywhere from 1 to 2's just not worth it. I am 45 years old, 5'8" and 126 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. I work out even more vigorously than is called for in the book but that's strickly because good hard work outs really tend relax me. I don't have any trouble sleeping as long as I work out. But one of the greatest benefits of the food and exercise regime is that I no longer get sick. No colds and no flu ever! Considering that I used to get sick with annoying regularity that in and of itself is amazing. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for Dr D's book, words truly fail me. Thank you seems insufficient.