Individual result

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I had digestive, and energy problems. I have been diagnosed with candidias. After going on the diet, my menopausal symptoms errupted (had a hysterectomy in 1991) and it forced me to go to the doctor. She put me on a different kind of estrogen (Vivelle patches)since tests showed that I was not absorbing the Triestrogen I was taking and I also took natural progesterone. I don't have digestive or energy problems anymore and I definitely do not have any candida symptoms (my symptoms were that I couldn't focus, depression, yeast in my stool, etc.)If I do eat very many avoids and start to feel bad, I immediately go back on the highly beneficial foods and start feelings good again.This diet has made a significant change in my life and I will always follow this diet plan.