Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I experienced positive changes in four different categories. The one I originally hoped for was weight loss and that happened. Quite easily when I stuck to the diet 100%. More slowly when I slipped to maybe 80%. But more exciting was the relief of my carpal tunnel syndrom. It completely dissappeared when I was 100% on the type O diet - it took about a month. Just eating wheat once will bring a little tingling in my hand and after several days of eating wheat (it seems to be specifically wheat) it will start to get much worse. Cutting out the wheat will bring almost instant relief. Another area I experienced major releif in is allergies. Allergies to pollen, dust, pets, and probably others can be completely controlled when I stop eating wheat. The relief I experience was dramatic. Normally I can't get through the day without an allergy attack (sneezing, waterey eyes, etc) but if I completly eliminate wheat I can breath freely. I recently tried spelt and I think it aggravated my allergies and carpal tunnel but I need to try it again to be sure. My other area is digestive relief - although my problems with that were not severe. I'm a believer and am spreading the word to whoever is interested!