Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: My husband Jay and I (both Type O's) have been following your program for about 3 weeks. Jay (59 years old) has a history of high BP, severe allergies to everything and asthma, a chronic ear infection, back sensitivity and favortism from a surgery corrected slipped disk 25 years ago, borderline high cholesterol, sleep problems and the start of varicose veins from standing all day at his job. He experienced results right away: Jay's BP, which was borderline at best and controlled with 3 different Rx medications and a water pill, started to plummet.Snoring and sleep problems have plagued him since forever, and although we thought the latter problem had much improved over the last year with an electrical supplement program we had started, these problems have further been alleviated from being on your program. In fact, within the first few days, he stopped snoring. He's gradually reducing his BP meds and is now down to one Rx and a water pill once a week, althoughI believe we didn't see complete results until just recently when we stopped using soy sauce (a necessity for Asians) that included wheat. In the past few years, he has avoided doing yardwork due to his allergies, and there was a specific shrub that he hated because of the welts that it would leave on his body after pruning (photinia). We were out last weekend pruning these same shrubs, and his body was spotless afterwards, not one sign ofallergy. This is a miracle considering he's given up on allergy shots that he invested five years into. He's still puffing on his inhaler for his asthma but many fewer puffs now. His breathing is remarkedly improved, and he is sleeping through the night and feeling fully rested in the morning, and just when we didn't think it could improve any more, it did when we started eating fish and cutting out soy products. I believe now that Jay has an allergy to soyproducts because he recently had an ear episode even though we had started using wheat-free soy sauce. I had moderate allergies and eczema on my scalp and skin. I was taking 1 regular over-the-counter Actifed each night for the allergies, but since starting this program, I'd only had to take them every other night, and using wheat-free soy sauce and eating fish allowed me to eliminate them altogether. My skin is much improved also: I only need to moisturizemy body and TAC cream applications once every two weeks, as opposed to every other day. It will be interesting to find out what what willhappen when we start to eat corn-fed beef and chicken again. It's hard to find meat that aren't. But it goes to show that your program works. Please feel free to e-mail me for further questions. Jay monitors his BP frequently with a home machine, and he hasn't had a cholesterol panel since being on this program. We'd been on a no-fat diet for the past two years, and with your program, we're eating more fat with the nuts and meat. Please do not useour names, but you may use our results.