I went to the doctor for my latest checkup 8 months ago and was told I needed to eat better. My cholesterol was high, my weight was far from where I wanted it to be and to top it all off, I felt sluggish. My doctor’s comments were hard to hear, but not altogether a surprise. I told the doctor I was going to try Eat Right 4 Your Type, recommended by my friend for my husband a few years back, and if that didn't work, I'd take medication if things hadn't changed. Since I was more motivated than ever to make a positive change, I decided I had nothing to lose by trying the Blood Type Diet for myself.
I knew I was Blood Type O and immediately started to change my diet to follow suit. Some of my usual choices like cauliflower, coconut, yogurt and avocado turned out to all be avoids for me. Though they were trendy health foods at the time, according to Dr. D’Adamo’s book they were not right for me. To my surprise, cutting these items from my diet and incorporating beneficial foods for my type began to change my life. Pretty soon after starting I had better energy levels in addition to more regulated, healthy digestion. In just the first two months I had lost 20 pounds and by the third month I was down 30 in total. The next time I went to my doctor she not only noticed my impressive weight loss and increased stamina, but also saw that my cholesterol had dropped by 50 points; which put me well under the high and normal range.
Before the Blood Type Diet, I was nearly ready to take medications to deal with the problems I was having even though so many of my body’s negative reactions were coming from foods. The fact that I was able to naturally combat these issues made me see that Eat Right 4 Your Type was correct all along. Food can have such an impact on your body and in so many ways that go beyond just weight. Though I do miss some of the foods I used to eat regularly, the benefits far outweigh the cravings I get, and as time goes on you want the bad foods less and less. I do sometimes still have my guilty pleasure, dark chocolate, but because I eat healthy now, I have achieved balance for my body.
Eight months and 35 pounds later I am a true believer in the diet. Between the substantial weight loss and the total change in my body’s energy levels and digestion, I will continue to follow the diet and recommend it to everyone I know!
HOME BLOOD TYPING KIT | Affordable, FDA-approved kit that comes complete with everything you need to determine your blood type, including instructions, finger lancet and alcohol prep, plastic applicator sticks and testing card. Click to learn more |