Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I have tried all kinds of diets since I taught healing at New York University in 1973-1974. I even tried to be vegetarian. I still intermittenly suffered with 30 years of ulcerative colitis and thyroid problems. For the past fifteen years I have been practically symptom free as I went through menopause and changed my life. I moved from New York to Arizona and opted for a quieter life style. But I still had to be careful with my diet. Since I work with healers I was already off of most wheat products and dairy products. I got my blood typed after noticing your book. Then I bought the book and was astounded to read that O's suffer from colitis and thyroid deficency -- my two ailments. At 63 I started your diet and I am slowly changing my eating. But with just the few changes -- I am back on meat -- my energy has increased, my bowel is healthy, I am happier. I still do not eat a big steak but I am getting there. I remembered that when I had colitis I usually craved raw roast beef and fresh fish. I am now an advocate. Oh, and I have lost weight. I didn't plan to lose weight but I have. I getting back to my lean and mean before menopause body. I know I should do more active exercise. I always loved to dance. I tried yoga and Tai Chi and now Chi Gong and they just don't do it. So I will ride my bike and dance! Thank you.