Blood Type Diet FAQ

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Aside from blood type principles; from a general health standpoint, are there any food choice tips?

Organic produce, organic dairy and free range meats are recommended. Genetically altered foods (which includes virtually all non-organic soy beans), hydrogenated oils (margarine), partially hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, colors, aromas, and flavors should be avoided. Smoked and fried foods are not recommended. Oils should be purchased and stored in light-proof containers, preferably refrigerated after opening. White flour and sugars should be eaten rarely, if at all. MSG should not be used. Avoid aluminum cookery (it can contaminate your food with aluminum) and microwaves (they change the molecular structure of foods in unknown ways) for heating foods.

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Affordable, FDA-approved kit that comes complete with everything you need to determine your blood type, including instructions, finger lancet and alcohol prep, plastic applicator sticks and testing card.

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