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Here are 25+ randomly selected results left by visitors.

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I experienced positive changes in four different categories. The one I originally hoped for was weight loss and that happened. Quite easily when I stuck to the diet 100%. More slowly when I slipped to maybe 80%. But more exciting was the relief of my carpal tunnel syndrom. It completely dissappeared when I was 100% on the type O diet - it took about a month. Just eating wheat once will bring a little tingling in my hand and after several days of eating wheat (it seems to be specificall ...
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Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Have lost 20 lbs since the end of March. Digestive problems (constant hunger, heartburn) have been eliminated. Snoring has been significantly reduced.

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Improvement in allergies, asthma conditionweight losslean body mass increaseIncreased energydigestive and eliminationHormonalInsulin normalized

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
I started the diet..or as I say, my new lifestyle in November 98. Since then I have lost25 lbs. On a frame of 5'2", I was 150+. Now im at 125. I FEEL healthy and my entire familyis benefiting from our new way of eating.

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
Overall my entire system functions much better than before. I wasn't overweight before going on the diet, but I did lose weight after only a month; however, with higher amounts of energy and stamina throughout the day.

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I've been on the diet for about 8 months. I've experienced slow but steady weight loss and to date have lost 20 lbs. I currently weigh 127 and I'm about 5' 4". I'm almost at my ideal weight. When I go "off" the diet I feel weaker and lethargic. However,it only takes a day or so back "on" the diet to feel myself again. The most noticeable change for me has been a change in bloating. I used to look and feel bloated. I never connected the condition with consuming milk products and wheat. ...
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Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
It's been six months now since I start ER. After 6 weeks I dropped medication I was taking for Chronic Acid Reflux and have had nofurther problems with this. Also, I dropped 18 lbs. which I had not been able to do on any other diet. On top of this, I am almost at the point of dropping medication for Clinical Depression. I no longer feel bloated constantly and I have more energy. Oh, one more thing, no more bronchitisor breathlessness -- I have had a cold since ER but it was what one mi ...
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Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I Was in Greenwich CT last september and tried to make an appoitment with you because I had lots of doubts about the book and as I live in Brazil I will try next time I come to NY.Meanwhile I keep reading and reading the book and trying to eat for my type as much as possible and I always feel great when eating my blood type. My husband and sonalso type A feel the same .

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I lost 20 pounds in 4 months, and my general sense of well being and energy level are more steady. Also I'm not as affected by Seasonal Light Disorder

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis for over 40 years. I await an improvement in these areas as well as digestive. Thank you very much.

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
I have had stomach problems since I was a little child. I am 20 now and I picked up your book about 2 months ago.All I can say is WOW!!! When I follow this diet plan, I have almost no problems with my digestive track. I have been to the doctors several times to try to find out what might be wrong, but they all said the same thing...I was healthy as a horse.I can tell a difference when I eat something that is not on my beneificial and neutral list. This is the first thing that hasever w ...
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Type: B | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
My arthritis has not bothered me since I've been on the diet. I don'tseem to have digestive problems anymore. My skin tone has improved considerably. (Cellulite almost gone!) I've lost inches, not pounds and have gone down a size in clothes. I am 45 and feel and look the best I have ever. Thanks!

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
My results were quite spectacular. There were in a number of categories besides "cardio/pulmonary" that showed improvement. I was diagnosed as diabetic with high blood pressure, angina, atheroma and heart ischemia. I was following a diet prescribed by a cardiologist to the letter, along with medication, but the pain (pins and needles, numbness, headaches, joint pain, burning sensations) simply continued to get worse, though there was some improvment in strength, energy, and blood test ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
My pregnancy, coupled with prenatal vitamins and an iron supplement had made elimination practically impossible. After removing wheat from my diet, I noticed improvement immediately. Suffice it to say, I am a much happier pregnant woman.

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I was a vegetarian for years and tried to do the Zone as a vegetarian-eating lots of wheat gluten! and cottage cheese. You can imagine the results-I was having dizzy spells and had to lie down after meals sometimes with hypoglycemic reactions. My energy now eating as an O is much beter. I feel better. The rash around my stomach that I've had off and on for yrs is now gone. Mainly more energy and less hypoglycemic reactions. Also the diet is more satisfying! No more craving things I fel ...
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Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Surgery for lung cancer in May . Cancer was very small @ non small cell. The diet hasbeen a tremendous asset in recovering my stamina after the lobectomy. In August I returned to work @ was able to work as many as 11 hours per day without undo fatigue. When I have given in to the temptation to eat off the diet, it is soon apparent in my lack of energy and labored breathing.

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
My wife and I usually follow our type O plan and when I eat the wrong foods ,I really feel itBut overall we both feel much better mentally and physically and feel this is the way peopleare supposed to eat.o

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Been on diet for about 1 month. Lost 17 lbs. Feel much better w/more energy.

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I stopped being nauseated. I had much more energy . I found that I had been moving in theright direction for a few years, but I was still eating foods that caused problems. I stopped wanting to eat food,I knew it was making me sick. I planted a garden with a lot of echinacea,I was drawn to St. Johns Wort,and took a lot of alfalfa.I would cook a nice steak for my husbandand then not be able to eat it.My body knew before my brain did.I will always be able to separate my health history no ...
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Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Had been on Mannatech products for two years (Plus, Phyto-loe, Manaloe, Profile 2 and Mannaclease). Had come off of Premarin (after 12 years) and was experimenting with Black Cohosh and other natural hormone replacements (Phyto-B and Alive Again creme, from Dr.Helen Pensanti). Had been on Atkins, lost 30 lbs in six months. Although, I had experienced mostly positive health/energy improvements, that had begun to decrease again and osteoarthritis (lower spine) had flaired up. Excerise of ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I not only have more energy, but have after two weeks lost over 13 pounds. I think that the most important dietary change was the elimination of the wheat in our diet that gave us the most benefit.

Type: B | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
This diet has changed my life

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Hi:I am the applied kinesiologist that wrote a paper on Dr. D'Adamo's work a few years ago. I was able to correlate manual muscle testing with the DSP-1 lab test results. I have a question for the Dr. I have your text and it is based on the premise that there are only 4 blood types, yet on your lab test we see 14 different ones that appears to be much more accurate from a clinical perspective. What should I tell my patients that see the apparent contradictions in the book from their la ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
HIV testing in 1985 confirmed what I remembered from 1979. AIDS diagnosis in 1991 followed, with a 5th hepatitis infection being noticed in 1994, I was pleased with my choice to NOT use drugs. So here I am the last of all my chosen 'family', 8 years after an AIDS diagnosis. I have chosen much healing physically, mental and emotional as well as spiritual [ Yes I have my answers to the age-old question 'What am I doing here?']!!! I do not use drugs daily and the use of ERFYT info was dra ...
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