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Here are 25+ randomly selected results left by visitors.

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I began the diet over a year ago (90%)and have noticed weight loss, improved energy and a better cholesterol ratio. I have not exercised sufficiently and am beginning to add that aspect. I have to report that I have had an increase in asthma when taking the ARA larch alone or when it is added to anything else(ie.fucus)Please explain and help!

Type: B | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
My husband and I are both Bs and have been following thw guidelines since Oct '99. My hypoglycemia disappeared almost overnight and my husband's sinuses cleared and his snoring stopped. Our diet was full of wheat bran, grains, pastas and chicken (ie, the Food Guide Pyramid). We've made our own pyramid but it looks more like a rectangle!:> I'm a registered/licensed dietitian specializing in complementary care so I see lots of chronic pain and inflammatory conditions that allopathic medi ...
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Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
I have lost at least six pounds that I have been able to document (it could have been more- I stopped weighing myself 2 years ago when I hit 210 lbs -I'm 5'9" and big boned).My menstrual periods have become noticeably less painful; the over-the-counter pain medications I've been taking for the problem have been cut in half.Indigestion simply hasn't happened on this diet. I don't have as much of a problem with gas and flatulence as I had before.

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
I cannot begin to tell you how much this diet has helped me. I had considered becoming Vegetarian for a long time. Although I still plan to eat chicken and fish sometimes, I consider myself to be "almost vegetarian." I agree with the gradual change idea. I think my body would have gone into shock. One thing I had really been having problems with was my digestion. It often felt as if I was carrying a lead weight in my stomach ALL the time. It was incredibly annoying and discomforting. M ...
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Type: B | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Great help with interstitial cysititis; relief of pain. Still have urgency and frequency.Weight gain not loss with the diet; however, I'm eating red meat much more frequently (lamb)

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I have lost 8 pounds just by avoiding the Avoid foods in 2 months. I am no longer troubled by the following: gas, indigestion after eating some foods, my skin has become normal without adult breakouts. I have to be careful to drink enough water to avoid the constipation I can get with so much protein. I am working on figuring out a balanced intake for me. I really like this plan.

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I noticed improved energy and strength after only 3 days. Weight loss that has been elusive despite many various attempts has begun. A problem with my (L) leg with pain and knee pain has improved. I was 80% vegetarian previously, but am amazed at the difference by following the A diet stringently. I have been on the diet for only 6 weeks.

Type: O | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I started Weight Watchers 4 weeks ago. I cut out all red meat. I was very tired every day and my blood sugar levels erratic (I'm hypoglycemic). After reading your book I put moderate quantities of lean red meat into my diet and have reduced my corn, wheat and potato intake. Also have added more beneficial foods like prunes, figs, spinach etc. I immediately noticed more energy, more blood sugar stability. I am jazzed!

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I am so happy I can't believe how well this diet is working for me. In three days it will bea month and I haven't even had any chicken, chocolate, or most of all, any cravings. I'mloosing weight, the food comes in and is digested without any effort, it is a dream come true. I do have questions about vitamins, b12, iron, and folic acid, and another that I willpost to you.

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I feel like I am no longer being poisoned by my diet. My weight continues to drop steadily as the fat burns off. Virtually everything in my former diet was wrong for type-a.

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
As a nutritionist and a professional athlete, I have been following my diet regimen for 15 yrs.I am blood type O and I have always been on a low fat and high protein diet with moderate intake of carbohydrates. I am lactose intolerant , so I have been avoiding dairy products with the exception of ion exchanged whey protein supplement. Coincidently, my diet was close to what your reccomendation was for blood type O. Since I've read your book, I have eliminated all the food that needed to ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Along with increased energy I have enjoyed the benefit of improved sleep. This may be the result of the diuetic effect of the O diet i.e., I am not waking up as often to urinate. I have not altered my intake of fluids so I am surmising that whatever I am taking in is being processed efficiently. On the negative side of the equation my finger nails are noticably thinner and more brittle. There is no outward change in their appearance however.

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
On May 17th I was forced to stop taking my Rheumatoic Arthritis Nsaids and go on a cleansing for a colon scan. Since I was off my medications I decided to try the "A" diet. I first stopped all nightshads and red meat. The change was dramatic, I continued to watch the diet closely and have not returned to medication since then.. I am somewhat skeptical about this outcome since it is so significant, perhaps I am experiencing a remission, perhaps it is the diet. What ever it is I am witho ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
My results have been nothing short of a miracle. i have lost 26 pounds in the first 25 days. i have no cravings for the foods that i used to eat. i have 75 pounds more to lose, but there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train comung at me. i can't thank dr. d'adamo enough, this is the greatest thing that has happened to me(healthwise)in my life.

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
Hi:I am the applied kinesiologist that wrote a paper on Dr. D'Adamo's work a few years ago. I was able to correlate manual muscle testing with the DSP-1 lab test results. I have a question for the Dr. I have your text and it is based on the premise that there are only 4 blood types, yet on your lab test we see 14 different ones that appears to be much more accurate from a clinical perspective. What should I tell my patients that see the apparent contradictions in the book from their la ...
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Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I started on the diet because of extreme bloating and it was suggested by my psychologist with the approval of my naturopathic doctor

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
From almost a 35" waist back into my 31s in 1 year at 45 is SIGNIFICANT! I feel better, look better, have the energy level I used to have in my early 30s. Ironically, just before I found the book I was hanging out at the macrobiotic restaurant eating everything that's on my Avoid list to loose weight/size. Consequently, I slowed to almost a crawl. I stopped jogging, stopped working out, my waist sides/obliques/love handles were increasing; I had more, bigger bowel movements than ever i ...
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Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
A year ago my cholesterol level was at 230. Six months ago, I started eating right for my blood type (O), and today my doctor informed me that my cholesterol level is now 170. Amazing! Nothing I've done in the past has affected my cholesterol level like this. Thanks a million for the research you've done to write your book.Daniel Warner

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
After eliminating wheat, dairy and red meat, I had a rash reaction under my nose that will flair up if I get into any of those items. My energy has increased also. Such an easy way to lose weightI can eat like this forever!!!!

Type: A | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant
I felt better almost from the start. At first, I tried combining itwith "the zone" book, but now I ignore "the zone", and just go by blood type.Tofu and sardines are my staple,and that's plenty for my "A" blood. I no longerfeel stuffed or tired after a meal. Nor do I feel hungry and the need to eat more.I'm losing weight slowly, and that's good too. But more than the weight loss isthe day-to-day feeling satisfied and not hungry, and not tired.

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Young | Effect: Significant
I developed a Spleen Yang Deficincy and lost 35 lbs. For a year I tried to fix it with herbal medicine while eating a vegan diet.Over this year I gained 5-10 lbs. back. After three months on the O type diet I had gained 15 lbs. more. Then, over the next month I gained 10 lbs. more to where I am now.



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