Blood Type Diet FAQ

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I started to lose weight the first few weeks I choose food by blood type, then I stopped losing. What's going on?

The first thing to understand is the choosing foods by blood type is about total health. Weight loss can be a pleasant side effect of beneficial food choice. As our bodies get healthier, there are various plateaus we will go through where the glands and hormones start to reset and normalize their functions. During these periods, it is common not to lose weight. In addition, lectins blocking insulin receptors on the surface of cells do not willingly let go. Patience and 100% avoidance of all avoid foods is called for during this healing period, which can last a year or more.

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While plant-based foods often provide great nutritional value, they are never more potent than when they first sprout. Dr. Peter D'Adamo realized the potential of these young, sprouted plants and has included them in unique blends for each blood type. Live Cell will promote your immune system health and body detoxification all while providing you with a concentrated dose of natural, plant-based vitamins and minerals.

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