Cool Tools for Blood Type Dieters

Blood Type DIet Mobile Phone App

Eating Right For Your Type just got a whole lot easier with the official Blood Type Diet App for Android and iPhones that lists beneficial, neutral, and avoid foods for each of the 4 blood types. Handy for grocery shopping, eating in restaurants, and meal planning. On the go or at home, you can always be sure that you are eating right for your type. Easy to use. Just select your blood type and start picking foods for your type categorized in the handy Food List. Know your secretor status or want to learn more about it? It's an option in the app.

The Blood Type Diet App is consistently ranked the top 50 Health and Fitness Apps on both the Apple Store and Google Play.

The Blood Type Diet App


With the myriad of diet and nutrition books available today, it's difficult to know which regimen is right for you. Forget the world of one-size-fits-all nutrition and step into the personalized, digital age with SWAMI XP2.

Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of the NY Times bestseller, Eat Right 4 Your Type, fuses his knowledge of biochemical individuality with his affinity for programming to create the ultimate diet software program, SWAMI XP2. SWAMI stands for “Serotyping With Advanced Modifying Inventories.” Serotyping is the process of using blood groups to generate dietary recommendations, while “Advanced Modifying Inventories” refers to all the extra data (fingerprint analysis, measurements, etc.) that the program uses to refine your SWAMI Diet Report. Using this health profile you provide, SWAMI XP2 builds a dynamic, one of a kind diet plan that is customized according to your specific body chemistry.

This comprehensive diet analysis and reporting software enables you to generate an extensive and personalized dietary report based on over 12 million individual calculations - all matched to the results of your intake data. It is entirely web-based, so it requires no downloads and also is automatically updated; so you will always be using the newest version!

Learn more about SWAMI

Diet Buddy

The Datapunk DietBuddy is a unique, free-to-use app conceived and coded by Dr. Peter D'Adamo that allows you to track your adherence to any of the current D'Adamo Diet Systems (Blood Type Diet, GenoType Diet and SWAMI) using a simple and quick 'diet diary' input system. It also allows you to track simple health data, such as your weight and daily water consumption. Your compliance will be displayed as valuable feedback by a series of informative and visually beautiful infographic pages.

Datapunk DietBuddy also features a unique 'social' component, allowing you to communicate, encourage, and share data with friends. If you've used common social media programs, such as Facebook or Twitter, you'll find DietBuddy similarly easy and intuitive to use.

Datapunk DietBuddy only requires that you know your ABO Blood Type.

Learn more about Diet Buddy

D'Adamo Supplement Advisor

One of our user's favorite software applications is the D'Adamo Supplement Advisor. To get started, you simply input basic information about yourself, like age, gender and blood type. You can hone in further by adding secretor status, GenoType or SWAMI data if you have it, though none of those are required. You then select your health emphasis areas and the D'Adamo Supplement Advisor will show the recommended D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition products based on those areas of emphasis -graphically displayed along with listing by priority, product descriptions and links.”

D'Adamo Supplement Advisor

Reviewed and revised on: 01/12/2023      
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While plant-based foods often provide great nutritional value, they are never more potent than when they first sprout. Dr. Peter D'Adamo realized the potential of these young, sprouted plants and has included them in unique blends for each blood type. Live Cell will promote your immune system health and body detoxification all while providing you with a concentrated dose of natural, plant-based vitamins and minerals.

Click to learn more

Click the Play button to hear to Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo discuss .

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